Fakin’ the Funk: My winter blues…

How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December’s bareness every where!
— Sonnet 97 (Shakespeare)

I didn’t want to succomb to it. Succomb to the blah feeling, the feeling of zero energy, the feeling of wanting to stay in my pyjamas and pretend that I’m the star of that Twilight Zone episode where I’m, mysteriously, the only person left on this plane(t)…as well as Netflix…:-) I honestly DID NOT. I wanted to embrace this winter season in all of its fluffy white snow, beautiful snow-filled landscapes, imbibe the chilly, crisp air into my lungs….and look stylish all the while doing it. That was my honest-to-goodness plan. Well, it’s already February…and my zealousness has definitely waned….and I’m being very generous with that statement.

My stylish factor, though, has remained high through this loooooong winter, because I believe in that tried but true statement: FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT. For me, I find that if my mood isn’t as fabulous as what I look like, looking fab gives my mood a chance to catch up.

Outside of checking my favorite online stores for the new Spring/Summer/Cruise collections that are flooding my inbox, and yes, getting doorbell rings with packages that contain lovely boxes tied with ribbon that contain clothes and maybe shoes from the aforementioned collections, I realize the most important thing: Life is literally a sine wave. It dips….it fluctuactes…it regenerates….it resurrects…it revives…it recharges. Everything is always in motion. Everything. And in that…we can all take comfort in knowing that said funk will be gone!


Bern, Switzerland (PC: my bestie…S.S.)

I’m a tad bit late…but HAPPY “NEW YEAR!” (Snapchat filter)

I’m a tad bit late…but HAPPY “NEW YEAR!” (Snapchat filter)

Thank you for stopping by…..:-)

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